03 September 2020

New writing course online

 🖍 Newsflash!⚡️

I'm teaching a new creative writing course online over at Curious Writing.

Poetry Fundamentals

In late September, I will focus on poetry. This online course covers the fundamentals of the craft, something I return to regularly in my own writing. A fiction writing course online will be added at a later date.

Some details: 

Join our structured and safe environment to develop your ideas and improve your writing. You will be encouraged to value your own writing resources: memory, observation, and your unique voice. The emphasis will be highly practical, with a range of imaginative exercises and activities designed to ignite the writing impulse.

The eight-week poetry course starts on the 28th of September, takes place online on a dedicated learning platform, and will be taught by my good self (!), an experienced writer-teacher. Spaces are limited to keep the class group small, so book early. The course costs €240, but a deposit of €50 will secure your place.

 Visit Curious Writing to check out the online writing classes!